Moto Guzzi Nuovo Falcone

moto guzzi nuovo falcone 500 sport bj 74 rarität tüv 07/22. 30/07/2020. ALLEMAGNE. Détail. 500 cc. 4 200 Km. 1974-74629. Moto guzzi Falcone.
Moto guzzi nuovo falcone. Moto Guzzi Nuovo Falcone. Motorrad des Monats – Baujahr 1973. Bauzeit 1971-1976 – Hubraum 498,4 cm³ – Leistung 26,2 PS (19,3 kW) Nachdem Moto Guzzi die Produktion der Falcone 1967 hat auslaufen lassen, wünschte sich die Polizei weiterhin ein robustes Motorrad mit Einzylindermotor. So wurde 1969 die alte Falcone zur Nuovo Falcone. It all started when my recently acquired Moto Guzzi Nuovo Falcone 500 Military and I decided to go on its maiden voyage to Elvington with the Teeside Yesteryear Motor Club ( had ridden the Falcone around the block on the Saturday evening and nowt dropped off — so it was Elvington, here I come. Diese Internetseite richtet sich an alle Freunde der Nuovo Falcone aus dem Hause Moto Guzzi. Rein privat betrieben, wird versucht alles Nützliche rund um dieses Motorrad zu bündeln und weiterzureichen. Die Seite versteht sich dabei als interaktive Plattform. Jeder kann Beiträge zum Thema besteuern. Moto Guzzi use and maintenance manual - Nuovo Falcone 500 cc 2 nd Edition [Italian] - Missing pages 32, 33 Credit: Thanks to David Lawrenz for sending this document to me. I extracted all of the individual pages from the original PDF, cleaned up the resulting images, and reassembled the images into the PDF provided here.
Moto Guzzi has a rich legacy of building motorcycles for Italy’s civil servants. The V7 of 1967 was originally designed as a police bike, and its longitudinally mounted V-twin motor went on to become a hallmark of the company. A couple of years later, the lesser-known Nuovo Falcone pottered onto the scene. The Nuovo Falcone was a smaller alternative to the V7 built for the Italian army, and. Moto Guzzi 500 Nuovo Falcone 1971 Rentrée manquée pour le dernier des monos La fameuse Falcone, le monocylindre le plus répandu de Moto Guzzi, a envahi l'Italie à partir de 1950 et, bien que retirée du catalogue en 1954, a continué de faire partie du paysage quotidien. The 500cc Nuovo Falcone (New Falcon) was produced from about 1969 to 1976. It followed a long line of Falcone 500 singles made by Guzzi since 1950. The Nuovo Falcone is substantially updated from the earlier "Old" Falcone with a new frame, revised engine and covered flywheel to distinguish it from the earlier "Bacon Slicer" exposed flywheels. Quote Reply Topic: Moto Guzzi Nuovo Falcone 500 Posted: 08 Mar 2017 at 10:25: I don't know why but I've always liked singles. It may be the sound or low down torque that makes them fun to ride and that's why I'd be interested to know what a Falcone is like to live with. Don't fancy an Enfield so anyone with experience or opinions on the Falcone.
Moto Guzzi uses cookie technology – including from third parties – to provide visitors with the best possible experience when using the website. For more information, please refer to our privacy notice. Please note that by continuing to use the website you accept the use of cookies. Your Nuovo Falcone. Tell us about your NF, and link to pix from a photo hosting site. 227 Posts 30 Topics Last post by banquo in Re: My NF 500 on May 19, 2020, 10:37:33 am moto guzzi falcone anno: 1972 alimentazione: benzina cilindrata: 499 cc potenza: 26 cv avviamento a .. pedale, iscritta asi e/o fmi, parabrezza, restaurata moto guzzi nuovo falcone 500 del ** ** .. MOTO GUZZI NUOVO FALCONE 500 del 1969 iscritta A. San Benedetto del Tronto (AP) - 10 set alle 11:31. 3.500 €
Hier finden Sie aktuelle Moto Guzzi Nuovo Falcone Motorrad-Angebote bei AutoScout24, dem europaweit größten Online-Automarkt. Si le Falcone a contribué, dans les années 50, à construire l'histoire sportive de Guzzi, le Nuovo Falcone a surtout bâti l'image utilitaire et solide - Toute l'actu moto, nouveautés et. Die Moto Guzzi Nuovo Falcone ist ein Motorrad, das die italienische Firma Moto Guzzi von 1971 bis 1976 herstellte. „Nuovo Falcone“ bedeutet im Deutschen „Neuer Falke“. Geschichte. Ende 1969 stellte Moto Guzzi nochmals ein auf Vorschlag der italienischen Polizei entwickeltes Motorrad mit Einzylindermotor vor.. moto guzzi nuovo falcone 500 sport bj 74 rarität tüv 07/22. 30/07/2020. ALLEMAGNE. Détail. 500 cc. 4 200 Km. 1974-74629. Moto guzzi Falcone. NC + Ajouter aux favoris. Créer une alerte. Signaler. Masquer ou Signaler cette annonce. Particulier. Supprimer. Favoris. Moto guzzi Falcone.