Moto Guzzi Oil Cap Tool

On most occasions you can fix your Moto Guzzi with ordinary tools, but some parts of the engine do require special tools. They are available from the factory, but the general quality of these items wont make you cheer and sing.
Moto guzzi oil cap tool. This simple tool makes it easy to open and close the odd shaped oil load plug (dipstick) on your Guzzi. Makes checking oil level more convenient, encouraging more frequent checks. Fits the odd shape of your filler cap perfectly, preventing damage to the cap and allowing it to be tightened up so it won't vibrate loose. A tool to tighten and loosen the Moto Guzzi oil cap. Compatible with recent model V7 (and probably others). A must-have because the oil cap is also the oil dipstick. It could be used as keyring. The oil cap needs to be very tight to prevent get loosen and spill oil to the outside (you will get dirty and could damage the engine). Moto Guzzi Parts & Accessories, where you'll find all your guzzi needs. With over 30,000 items in stock, we probably have what you need! Check out our full line of moto guzzi parts with our new Online Parts Lookup. View more topics related to Moto Guzzi Small blocks Thanks to Pedro Alves for creating the design for this tool to help remove the oil cap / dip stick on the small block models. This will also fit the transmission fluid reservoir cap on the V1000 I-Convert (thanks, Charlie Mullendore of Antietam Classic Cycle ).
Fifty years later, Moto Guzzi introduces the third act of a first work: V7 III. The challenge of introducing a new version of such a famous motorcycle with such a rich heritage and so much success is one of the most difficult, considering the fact that the V7, the brand's best-seller since 2009, constitutes the Moto Guzzi entry-level bike, dedicated to both women and men, in addition to young. The following Moto Guzzi California exhaust system modification project idea was sent in by one of the readers of this site, Alexander in Holland. As a comparison, you can see… Moto Guzzi California Valve Cover Gaskets. Replacing a valve cover gasket on a Moto Guzzi California very easy to do, like on an older car. OIL FILTER COVER INSTALLATION & REMOVAL TOOL OR WRENCH. If you have the oil filter cover that screws into the bottom opf your oil pan on 97 sport Injected, Daytona RS, Centauro, or the V11sport or Lemans series bikes from 98 thru 06, you need this tool in the box. View and Download MOTO GUZZI California 1400 instructions manual online.. Stud bolt M8x66 10 Nm (7.37 lb ft) Crankshaft rear support flange fixing screw M8x25 26 Nm (19.18 lb ft) Oil cap on the. ings 001467Y035 Bell for 47-mm outside diameter bearings FRONT FORK Stores code Description AP8140146 Weight AP8145758 Tool for oil seals.
Moto Guzzi V7III Oil Cap Tool . Moto Guzzi V7III Oil Cap Tool. you will not find this anywhere else in the uk. moto guzzi v7 reflector and bracket. Details: moto, guzzi, viii, tool, designed, allows, easily, remove, tighten, fantastic. Glasgow. See complete description. Notify me before the end of the auction. Speaking of oil filters for the big block Moto Guzzi, there are a few choices. The UFI 2328700 oil filter (made in EEC according to the box) is the original equipment one from Moto Guzzi. One cross-reference for it is the HiFloFiltro HF-551 (made in Thailand according to the box). Fifty years later, Moto Guzzi introduces the third act of a first work: V7 III. The challenge of introducing a new version of such a famous motorcycle with such a rich heritage and so much success is one of the most difficult, considering the fact that the V7, the brand's best-seller since 2009, constitutes the Moto Guzzi entry-level bike, dedicated to both women and men, in addition to young. Moto Guzzi - Bags & Holder New V7 III Anniversario accessories Moto Guzzi accessory Catalog 2018, 129 pages, approx. 26 MByte Original Spare Parts, Accessories & rarities for your Moto-Guzzi You are looking for parts for your Moto Guzzi? You came to the right place! We can supply everything that is available by Moto Guzzi. To many of the most common spare.
Amsoil Oil Filter Tip from Lowery: Amsoil now lists Motorcycle specific (Moto Guzzi Specific) oil filters. New, deep sump bikes part #'s are SMF 125, and for older bikes, use part number SMF124. Price is $8.75 each. V11 EV Oil Filter tip from Wildgoose: Replacement oil filters that work great are either the AC-Delco PF53, or the Fram 6022. For the V7 and V9 Moto Guzzi oil filler cap to tighten them up beyond finger tight. Buy one of these super strong plastic light weight wrenches and carry along with you easily.. OIL FILLER CAP TOOL WRENCH REMOVAL KEY KEYRING FOR BMW R1200GS R1200RT R1200R. $12.99 + $3.77 shipping . BMW Motorad Oil Filler Wrench Tool R1200GS filter motorcycl. GTM V7/V9/V85TT Oil Cap Tool Toss this in your tool pouch for easy on/off of your V7, V9 & V85TT oil cap.. Moto Guzzi. We have over 600+ products online to make your ride better, and in 2018 we launched our full custom division to build your dream. Let us show you what can be done… it’ll blow you away, much like we’re sure Carlo Guzzi. This oil filter tool removes the 14 flute (face, flat, facet) version of the large 30153000 oil filter as used on most Guzzis since 1994. Also fits... more info $8.96