Moto Guzzi V9 Bobber 2018

Moto Moto Guzzi V9 Bobber (2018 - 20) usate: annunci con fotografia di moto usate Moto Guzzi V9 Bobber (2018 - 20) di concessionari e privati.
Moto guzzi v9 bobber 2018. The 2018 Moto Guzzi V9 Roamer is available in two different colour variants, both with a glossy finish: Verde Nobile and Grigio Eleganza, with glossy black front and rear mudguards. The 2018 Moto Guzzi V9 Bobber is available in three colours, all with a completely matt finish: Blue Impeto, Nero Notte and Grigio Tempesta. has an efficient motorcycle classifieds. Ads are free. Click here to sell a used 2018 Moto Guzzi V9 Roamer or advertise any other MC for sale. You can list all 2018 Moto Guzzi V9 Roamer available and also sign up for e-mail notification when such bikes are advertised in the future. Bikez has a high number of users looking for used bikes. V9 Bobber - Moto Machines offers premiere motorcycle accessories online for almost all makes and models. Here you will find protection, luggage carriers, and much more for your Moto Guzzi V9 Bobber. Featured motorcycle brands including Hepco & Becker, Ermax, Pyramid Plastics and More! Make sure your motorcycle is protected with a Moto Guzzi v9 Bobber Engine Guard offered by Germany's Hepco. Bobber 2018 Vergleich: Moto Guzzi V9 Bobber Die hübsche Italienerin mit Naked Bike-Feeling. Moto Guzzi findet die Nische in der Nische - mit ihrem niedrigen Gewicht und der enormen Schräglagenfreiheit im Vergleich mit der Bobber-Konkurrenz geht die V9 Bobber durchaus als modernes Naked Bike innerhalb der Bobber-Fraktion durch.
Scheda tecnica Moto Guzzi V9 Bobber (2018 - 20): scopri su prezzo e dettagli, foto e video, pareri degli utenti, moto Moto Guzzi nuove e usate. The Moto Guzzi V9 Bobber is a fresh bike for 2017, with a new motor that is more than simply a bored and stroked V7 powerplant. Focus was put on giving the V9 a virtually flat torque curve, with. Moto Guzzi's profilation of this bike When used in motorcycling, the “Bobber” name provokes unique concepts: essentiality of line, purity of design and original sportiness. When used with the V9 name, these concepts take on deeper meaning, which are evident from the first look at the matte-black Moto Guzzi V9 Bobber. Annuncio vendita Moto Guzzi V9 Bobber (2018 - 20) usata a Costabissara, Vicenza - 8154461 - nella sezione Moto usate di
相較於2018年款的MOTO GUZZI V7 III琳瑯滿目的改裝部品與個性化的各式繽紛,V9的相對安靜與低調在瀰漫世俗的眼界評論之下是顯得有些難以施展拳腳。不過,以MOTO GUZZI向來的沉穩與內斂,卻也為Bobber與Roamer這兩兄弟在即便改動幅度不大的條件之下,卻依舊保有紳士風... Die neue Moto Guzzi V9 Bobber Sport feierte bereits auf der Open House Party Anfang September 2018 ihr Debüt und wurde auch auf der EICMA nochmals einem breiten Publikum präsentiert. Die neue V9 Bobber Sport besticht durch ihren tiefergelegten Einzelsitz, der in Kombination mit den üblichen Low-Drag-Bars mit kürzeren Risern zu einer. Kompromisslos und stilbewusst zeigt sich die Moto Guzzi V9 Bobber. Viel mattes Schwarz statt Chrom und glänzendem Lack. Authentisch und unverwechselbar spiegelt die V9 Bobber einen Lebensstil wider, der von Individualität, Ästhetik und Charakterstärke zeugt. 2017 moto guzzi v9 bobber key features. the moto guzzi v9 motorcycle range evolves under the sign of comfort. v9 roamer and v9 bobber, the lightweight easy cruisers, easy and thrilling to ride, are now more comfortable, ready for the voyage that is in the soul of every eagle from mandello
The 2018 V9 Roamer and V9 Bobber versions are fitted with a Moto Guzzi 850 cc engine, built as always in the Mandello del Lario plant. This is of course a 90° transverse V-twin air and oil cooled engine, a set-up used in all current Moto Guzzi engines, albeit with different engine capacities and performance, able to ensure excellent riding. Moto Guzzi Australia boss Ezio Forcella describes them as “city bound”. The V9 Roamer comes in Giallo Solare (yellow), Bianco Classico (white) and Rosso Rubino (ruby red) while the V9 Bobber comes in Nero Massiccio (black) with yellow highlights on the tank and guard and Grigio Sport (grey) with red highlights on the tank and guard. Motorcycles / Moto-Guzzi / Moto-Guzzi V9 / 2016 / 2017 / 2018 / 750-1000cc / Commuting / Bobber / Cruisers / Standard Motorcycles Home/latest News Reviews Photos Videos Manufacturers Vehicle types. The V9 Bobber is a true Moto Guzzi, and does not trade rideability for beauty. The ground clearance of the Bobber is only 30.3 inches, and if you add to this the exceptionally low curb weight of 438.7 lbs., you can easily imagine the level of comfort, control and rider pleasure offered by the V9 Bobber.