Moto Guzzi Club

Moto Guzzi Club Direttivo EVENTI Trofeo Moto Guzzi Mondo Moto Guzzi Area Mediterranea Tutti gli eventi Report eventi Centenario ATTIVITA' Soccorso Aquila GP days 2021, Genova GP days 2021, Genova. Nuove ed entusiasmanti iniziative vanno ad arricchire il già intenso programma dei “GP Days” del 14/16 maggio 2021, per ricordare Giorgio Parodi.
Moto guzzi club. The Moto Guzzi National Owners Club is a friendly group to belong to. Here you will find sociable Guzzi people, great times, and Moto Guzzi Information direct to you from Moto Guzzi enthusiasts World Wide. Welcome to the Minnesota chapter of the MGNOC (Moto Guzzi National Owners Club). MGNOC is a friendly group to belong to. Here you'll find sociable Guzzi people and good times--and great bikes, of course! For more information, check out the official MGNOC and Moto Guzzi US websites. 16sep6:00 pm 11:00 pm Social Sip No excuses! Talk to your mates and plan some Guzzi fun. Moto Guzzi is an Italian motorcycle manufacturer and the oldest European manufacturer in continuous motorcycle production.. Established in 1921 in Mandello del Lario, Italy, the company is noted for its historic role in Italy's motorcycling manufacture, its prominence worldwide in motorcycle racing, and industry innovations—including the first motorcycle centre stand, wind tunnel and eight.
The Moto Guzzi National Owners Club is a friendly group to belong to. Here you will find sociable Guzzi people, great times, and Moto Guzzi Information direct to you from Moto Guzzi enthusiasts World Wide. Moto Guzzi Club Belgium, de Belgische Guzzi Merkenclub. Beste leden en bezoekers, Als club organiseren wij op zeer regelmatige basis clubritten, die alle starten in een horeca gelegenheid, en ook met een koffie pauze halverwege. De Moto Guzzi Club Nederland. In 1972 groeit een aantal ritten die Guzzi V7 rijders gezamenlijk rijden uit tot de Moto Guzzi Club Nederland. Men begint evenementen te organiseren, het clubblad de Moto Guzzi Koerier wordt gevuld met verhalen en technische tips en de club groeit gestaag. Fundada en 1921 MOTO GUZZI es una de las marcas más apreciadas en el mundo de las dos ruedas, por el diseño de sus modelos. Cumpliendo con el deseo de su público. En 1996 de la mano de un grupo de aficionados de GUZZI nace ESPAÑA MOTO GUZZI CLUB, comunidad motera muy comprometida.
Moto Guzzi uses cookie technology – including from third parties – to provide visitors with the best possible experience when using the website. For more information, please refer to our privacy notice. Please note that by continuing to use the website you accept the use of cookies. The Moto Guzzi California Club hat jetzt mehr als 800 Freunde auf Facebook. Mehr Freundeals Mitglieder und die meisten Mitglieder sind nicht Freunde. Jedem das seine. Was gibt es sonst neues hier: 8. Okt 2018: nicht mehr erreichbar. ( Betrifft Anmeldeformular) The official site of Moto Guzzi United Kingdom. Bikes built at Mandello Del Lario since 1921, which continue to be a timeless legend within the Italian motorcycling world. 99 urodziny Moto Guzzi 7 March 2020 99 urodziny Moto Guzzi Jak wiekopomna tradycja nakazuje, co roku w okolicach 15 marca świętujemy hucznie urodziny naszej ukochanej fabryki z Mandello del Lario!
Last visit was: Sun Sep 13, 2020 5:26 pm. It is currently Sun Sep 13, 2020 5:26 pm Moto Guzzi The Club associazione sportiva nazionale per chi ama la Moto Guzzi. Info: (393) 15 3 2019 - Mail: - Web: Velkommen til moto guzzi klub danmark De viste artikler er fremstillet af og/eller til Moto Guzzi Klub Danmark og klubbens medlemmer. De viste artikler er altså ikke officielle Moto Guzzi-artikler og er uden tilknytning til Piaggio & C.S.p.A.” Se vores nyheder her Username or e-mail address *. © Moto Guzzi Club GB 2018 Disclaimer & Privacy Disclaimer & Privacy